Hey!, welcome to sebastianoliva.com. My personal website
(it's new, aunque no lo parezca, and still ongoing)
I assumed you wanted to check me out, so I'll introduce myself shortly here.
I do lots of stuff but mainly, to earn my living, I build software. Luckily most of it has been open/libre and I hope for that to increase.
I also work on photography. I love capturing the special in the everyday.
Some cool stuff I like to work with:
- Python, from serial controllers to web APIs
- Data Wrangling, analysis, insights, code
- SQL & Non SQL DBs
- Java (JVM tuning, Play Framework, Kotlin)
- JavaScript, D3.js, Node, Sockets
- Linux and *NIX ecosystems. I'm a long time openSUSE fan.
- FOSS in general and software with a social impact in specific.
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